where such loud party noise coming from


Well-Known Member
Monday night after 10 pm to have this kind of noise like cheer and shout is not right.

Is it come from here? sound coming from low level near pool i think
No it's not right at all, it's coming from level 1. (I'm on 2 and it's defiantly below me) could be 108.
In all honesty just call the police - its what I have done in the past with noise complaints.
This building is defiantly lacking in noise restrictions as of lately, getting tired of it!


Well-Known Member
Hi 166's
The current noisy party is actually from #707 - A boisterous bunch of German's by the sound of the accents.

Scott, it might sound like it comes from below you because the sound comes from the open window (of #707) and bounces off the hard surfaces in the pool area / rear apartments and back at your open windows, sounding like it comes from below. Many people have closed their windows, to shield the noise.

The best way to identify where noise is coming from is to visit the pool area (if north-side noise) - usually very easy to pin-point the apartment, especially when they are all lined up at the window ciggies in hand.

It does sound like they are winding down now. I think.
Almost certainly these are 'short stay' guests, in party mode, staying in an apartment listed on a short-stay website. Incompatible with us 9-5 workers who live here.
But sadly this is a common problem, in most apartment buildings.
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